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Fiskkaup Customer Story

Fiskkaup Customer Story

“It was more or less friction free to move into the cloud.”

Ragnar Ragnarsson, Export manager, Fiskkaup, shares his insights on what it’s like to work with Wisefish.

Fiskkaup Ltd is a family business founded in 1983. Today, the company owns and operates one freezing vessel and a smaller longliner providing a constant supply of fresh fish, approximately 3,500 tons annually. In addition to fishing with its own fleet, the company buys quality Icelandic seafood to process and sell all over the world.

Ragnar Ragnarsson talks about the benefits and how surprisingly easy it was to move its ERP operations into the cloud.

Ragnar has worked for Fiskkaup for fifteen years and today he is the Export Manager for Fiskkaup in Reykjavik, Iceland. Besides his main role he is also responsible for the IT and data strategy at the company. He works closely with the Wisefish team and has become an experienced user.

We sat down with Ragnar and asked him three simple questions about his experience working with Wisefish ERP solutions.

What comes first to mind regarding the benefits of moving your ERP operations into the cloud?

The first benefit I can think of is the accessibility of critical information.

The other day, I was at a lunch meeting, and someone asked the status of our stock for a particular product which I knew had changed in the previous days. I took up my mobile phone, opened the Business Central application, which is very operable and easy to navigate in my opinion, and within seconds I had real-time status of everything in our inventory.

I have also logged in numerous times from home and when traveling abroad without having to use a VPN or any remote desktop application.

This is a game changer for anyone with large amounts of data that is changing on daily basis.

“I find it very reassuring to know I can access our data from anywhere, anytime.”


The second benefit I can think of is the speed itself of accessing information.

Previously, some actions of retrieving information were painfully slow. Anything from flushing data from production tables, to distributing materials to the trade item consumption journal where the system had to distribute costs to all affected lots and products produced, is today many times faster than before.

Describe how Wisefish solutions impacts your business having migrated from NAV2018 to BC22 and now running in the cloud?

In the early days, we were running three separate systems, providing almost no oversight of valuable data in terms of our daily operations.

When Wisefish approached me with the choice to move our ERP operations into the cloud, I knew we had to make changes. But based on previous experiences with other vendors, I must admit that I was very reluctant to move our operations into the cloud.

However, I was positively surprised how smooth and problem free the transition turned out to be. And today I am happy we made this decision as it was the right thing to do.

Thanks to Wisefish forward-thinking solutions we have been able to improve our processes as well as becoming much more efficient at what we do. The usability has also improved alongside new functionality, and the traceability throughout the supply chain, front and back, is extremely useful to us.

With our data available anytime, anywhere, we are positioned to make much smarter decisions in our planning, prediction, and execution of our business goals.

In short, the available data that resides in the cloud today is impacting our business every day in a positive way. 

How do you feel about the customer support you get from Wisefish?

I am very happy with the level of support we get from the Wisefish team.

There is always someone to promptly answer my request for support and I really like the way we use the Jira platform to create trouble tickets. We can follow the progress and see the history of each ticket with photos, screenshots, and so on.

“We have used Wisefish for more than a decade and there has not been a single problem that has not been solved.”

fiskkaup wisefish visit

But what is the most important to me is that together we always find the solution to any problem we face.